What a dream combo! Irish powerhouse and Maeve runner The Drifter joins forces with the Israeli super talent of Frau Blau fame, Kadosh. The result is Jakarta, an elegant yet relentlessly effective and forceful tune built to elevate dance floors small and big(!) around the globe. It is one of those productions where all the elements fall into their suitable places so naturally that it’s made looking easy, which one might call an attribute of true craftsmanship.
The delicate mesh of synth stabs and chords, the sporadic vocal insertions, the efficient beat programming, everything is arranged to build a sum greater than its parts. We’re given two different variants of the track, the „Day“ and „Night“ version, which gives a clue about their respective qualities and intended use. But to be quite honest, we could also imagine the „Night“ version on a sunlit festival floor or the „Day“ version in a dark and sweaty warehouse. There have been dark days and bright nights after all, stranger things have happened. Whichever you end up choosing in any given moment, you most likely won’t be wrong.
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