✧ Heimlich Knüller (Berlin)
✧ Martha van Straaten (Berlin)
✧ Philipp Fein (Köln)
✧ Amy G. Dala
✧ Diegö
✧ Müller mit Siegel
✧ Zekt
Saturday 12.08.2023 // 17:00 – 06:00 Uhr
Fridas Pier, Ober- & Unterdeck, Stuttgart Ost
Das Kölner Record Label und Partyreihe FEINES TIER bringt uns mit drei Ausnahmekünstlern eine laue Sommerbrise aufs Schiff. Tanzen ist vorpragrammiert.
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Das Hausrecht obliegt dem Betreiber. Das Ticket ist KEINE Einlassgarantie !
► THEUS MAGO (Duro, Feines Tier)
► KEIKEE (Feines Tier)
► PHILIPP FEIN (Feines Tier)
Saturday: 05.08.2023
Start: 23:00
Tickets an der Abendkasse ab 23 Uhr und online im VKK: https://gewoelbe.ticket.io/
Playtimes findet ihr auf der Club-Webseite: https://www.gewoelbe.club/
Das Gewölbe ist klimatisiert. Gewölbe is fully air-conditioned.
feel safe – feel free
Das Gewölbe soll für alle Gäste ein geschützter Ort sein. Deshalb gilt ein striktes Fotoverbot im gesamten Klub.
Unabhängig von Herkunft, Geschlecht, sexueller Orientierung oder Religion erwarten wir von all unseren Gästen einen respektvollen Umgang miteinander. Homophobie, sexistisches oder rassistisches Verhalten sowie jegliche andere Form von Diskriminierung, Gewalt oder Beleidigungen haben im Gewölbe keinen Platz. Solltet ihr Zeug:innen von unangemessenem Verhalten werden oder selbst in eine unangenehme Lage kommen, wendet euch bitte jederzeit an unser Personal.
Bei verlorengegangenen Gegenständen bitte eine Mail an lostandfound@gewoelbe.net schreiben
Lineup a-z
BURAKETE (Süperdisko)
KEIKEE (Feines Tier)
PHILIPP FEIN (Feines Tier)
Start: 23:00 Uhr, Odonien Köln
Tickets: https://feinestier.ticket.io/lxt3t32s
Istanbul Ghetto Club hide behind masks and veils, but they have nothing to hide. Under the name Istanbul Ghetto Club they bring together the sounds of modular synthesizers with traditional Anatolian instruments. The result is called „Anatolian Acid,“ a genre-bending sound that originated in Berlin’s widely recognized underground and avant-garde scene. While experimenting with performance and new media art, and employing a wide range of contributors in production and on stage, they embody an interface between three fields of tension: East and West, underground and mainstream, tradition and zeitgeist.
The sound of Martha van Straaten (Laut & Luise, Berlin) can be described as the patchwork of a thousand joyful days in the sun. With fond love forcolorful tunes from all over the world, she blends the musical treasures she discovers on her neverending journey.
When travelling to one of her shining performances, she dives deep into the local culture and absorbs the patterns, habits and sensual sensations of her surroundings just to translate all of these well collected influences into a multi-ethnic collage of sound. Martha van Straaten truly is a bright star in her genre: She brought her sound to countless countries on all five continents, happily performing in small-town clubs as well as on main stages of this planets biggest festivals, only to leave behind a most delighted audience.
As she is always seeking new ways to express her understanding of intercultural links in music as well adding her contribution to the development of a genre, Martha van Straaten produced a series of playful and carefully crafted edits which are also released on vinyl. There is no need to say that one can only expect the most while attending to one of her shows, as the eyes of a whole scene are resting on her and curiously waiting for her next move.
Burakete is one of the most popular and influential voices in Turkish and diasporic music and club culture in Germany.
As an ambassador of a postmigrant society, for over 15 years, Burakete has been organizing and curating transcultural and postmigrant formats, ranging from festivals, concerts, and exhibitions to BBQ parties and the club format süperdisko. Equally, for just as long, as a DJ, Burakete breaks down cultural-racist barriers and thought patterns when Anatolian funk rarities, Arabic disco, or Kurdish Halay (unearthed from Turkish flea markets and record stores) meet electronic club music on vinyl. The diasporic sound cultures not only reflect Burakete’s diverse hybrid identity but also bring the idea of cultural diversity and a postmigrant society onto the dance floor.
Local international support by Feines Tier residents Keikee and Philipp Fein.
Artwork: Frank Horrlitz aka Raumwiese